David’s testimony: Verse of the Day


‭Psalms 37:23-26 NLT‬
[23] The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. [24] Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand. [25] Once I was young, and now I am old. Yet I have never seen the godly abandoned or their children begging for bread. [26] The godly always give generous loans to others, and their children are a blessing.

God is indeed a faithful God. There are loads of testimonies to this fact. God will not fail you nor your descendants after you. Face life with confidence and hope knowing how faithful your God is. He will never leave you and He will never forsake You in challenging times.

David made an observation in His old age. He said he had observed the godly from the time he was young and had never seen the righteous forsaken nor his children beg for bread. Don’t look at your circumstances now or at the prosperity of the wicked around you and give up. God will be faithful to you, your children, and your children’s children. God will bless you And the generations after you.

Are you getting frustrated? Are you questioning if there is any point at all in serving God? Don’t give up! God has got you covered. He will deliver you, honour you and take care of your children too.

Friend, God delights in every detail of your life. He is upholding you so that you don’t fall when you stumble in life, and He is directing you. Listen carefully to His instructions. Know from today that God has blessed you and your children. You are a blessing to many people! Hallelujah!


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