
The season of favour: Verse of the Day

THE SEASON OF FAVOUR: Psalms 102:11-18 NKJV[11] My days are like a shadow that lengthens, And…

Favour with men: Verse of the Day

FAVOUR WITH MEN: Luke 2:45-52 NKJV[45] So when they did not find Him, they returned to…

Favour with God: Verse of the Day

FAVOUR WITH GOD: Luke 2:45-52 NKJV[45] So when they did not find Him, they returned to…

Wisdom: Verse of the Day

WISDOM: Mark 6:1-3 NKJV[1] Then He went out from there and came to His own country,…

Stature: Verse of the Day

STATURE: Luke 2:45-52 NKJV[45] So when they did not find Him, they returned to Jerusalem, seeking…

Growing in wisdom: Verse of the Day

GROWING IN WISDOM: Proverbs 4:5-12 NKJV[5] Get wisdom! Get understanding! Do not forget, nor turn away…

Spirit of divination: Verse of the Day

SPIRIT OF DIVINATION: Acts 16:16-18 NKJV[16] Now it happened, as we went to prayer, that a…

The great deceiver: Verse of the Day

THE GREAT DECEIVER: Revelation 12:7-11 NLT[7] Then there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels…

False Prophets: Verse of the Day

FALSE PROPHETS: Mark 13:21-23 NLT[21] “Then if anyone tells you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah,’ or…

Self-deception: Verse of the Day

SELF-DECEPTION: I John 1:5-10 NKJV[5] This is the message which we have heard from Him and…