The process of restoration 1: Verse of the Day


John 8:30-32 NKJV
[30] As He spoke these words, many believed in Him. [31] Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. [32] And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

God has saved all who believe in Christ Jesus from sin, the greatest enemy of mankind. He has kick-started our restoration to becoming Christ-like by restoring our righteousness and relationship with Him. When we continue to grow in righteousness and deepen our relationship with Him, we allow this process of restoration to steadily progress.

There are three main things that would expedite this process of restoration. The first of these is the discovery of the truth. Truths are power-packed facts that further sets us free in specific areas of our lives. When we discover truths and apply them to our lives, we are set more free, enjoy more of God’s blessings in our lives, and we are able to act more Christ-like.

Friends, God set the children of Israel free from slavery in Egypt with the aim of restoring them to their own land, but most of them didn’t make it because they couldn’t get Egypt out of their minds. They were freed from Egypt but they couldn’t free themselves from Egypt. So, whenever they encountered difficulties on their journey they remembered and craved the things of Egypt, and wanted to return.

Are you a Believer who enjoys the things of the world you have been saved from? You are delaying the process of your own restoration. It is only when we abide in Christ and allow His word to abide in us that we discover the truth about certain areas of our lives and we are set free.

Truth will set us free from curses, Sicknesses, bad habits, wrong perspectives, fear and doubt. Truth will restore our health, wellbeing, help our faith to grow, and help us to walk in our God given authority. Truth will help us become more like Christ in our thoughts, actions and in our speaking.

Only Believers who abide in Christ and allow His words to abide in their lives, discover the truths that sets free. Truth is never available to the casual Believer. Do you want to become more like Christ? Feed and act on His word!


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